Please consider a one time or reoccurring donation to the Connecticut Blues Society.
The CTBS is a 501C and your donation is tax deductible. Your contribution helps funds our programs and
ensures our continuous sustainability to promote the Blues in Connecticut
The Mike Crandall Scholarship Fund The MCSF is dedicated to assisting a child 12-18 with expenses towards music college or camp. These donations are kept separate from the CTBS general fund and solely used for annual donations. | Blues Education The CTBS Blues Education consists of multiple programs. Utilizing local Blues Musicians, we have programs for K-12 assemblies and Master Classes, Blues Jam 101, and public libraries for all ages. This program is dedicated to preserving the history and music of the Blues. | The Connecticut Blues Society General Fund This is how we run all our events, jams, and programs. Our entire Board of Directors and Officers are volunteers. Every penny we take in goes back to our community with the purpose of preserving and promoting Blues Music in Connecticut. |